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Sponsored Content

Successful Black Parenting offers opportunities for sponsored posts and content. We reserve the right to refuse content that is too general in nature or that we feel is not a right fit for our audience. Sponsored content must provide a benefit to our readers and not read as an advertisement only. All sponsored material will be clearly labeled and identified to our audience. Photos and illustrations must represent the culture of our audience and all material must include at least one graphic or photo, except for videos. Articles longer than 800 words will not be considered. Multimedia must be diverse or reflect our particular audience. We accept proposals for sponsored content via email at

Successful black parenting

Sponsored Content


$60 SPONSORED ARTICLE: Includes one sponsored article/post with one do-follow link for 30 days and social media promotion on Twitter (once per week for 4-weeks).

Additional Opportunities


You can view updated statistics for Successful Black Parenting’s website at the link below.

Authoring: $100 flat fee to write sponsored articles/posts.

◦ Photographs: $20 per photo provided Photos will be of Black families or show diversity. Sponsored provided photos that do not meet this criteria, will not be accepted. At least one photo is required per article/post.

Talkshow: $100 mention on BackTalk Talkshow for Parents (YouTube, Facebook Live)

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